Restaurant Savva Reviews

Restaurant Savva Reviews

A star team, chef’s table dinners, fascinating gastronomic stories and rare premium wines – this is the brief story of the Savva restaurant in the center of Moscow.

The project, named after the famous philanthropist Savva Mamontov, is located in the Metropol Hotel building and occupies two floors. The ideological inspirers and main people here are restaurateur Arkady Novikov and chef Andrey Shmakov.

The Savva restaurant menu is an invitation to an amazing gastronomic journey. The list is divided into eight parts, or rather stories: each of them has its own active heroes and its own exciting storylines. Thus, in the “North” section there are muksun, deer fillet, pine nuts and porcini mushrooms. And “Kamchatka” tells us about seafood: the main roles here are crabs, scallops, and coal cod. We adhere to the concept of seasonality, regularly update our offer and tell new gastronomic stories. If the guest does not want to “travel” through the stories, you can choose individual dishes from the Natura section.

Another pride of the Savva restaurant is the Chef’s Table. This is an interactive format for 14 people, where Andrey Shmakov personally presents a tasting set. The feeling is indescribable: a gastronomic performance where every guest is the main character of the whole action!

The wine list of the Savva restaurant will impress no less. Firstly, in volume: it has about 250 titles. Secondly, the content: the list included a place for both time-tested classics and fashionable biodynamics. In addition, at the Savva restaurant you can try a rare wine originally from Tuscany – Lodovico: no more than 100 bottles are supplied to Russia per year, so this is a real find.

The restaurant’s interior combines modern aesthetics and historical elements: the focus is on the painted ceiling and marble columns with gilded capitals.

Teatralny Ave. 2, Moscow
+7 (499) 270-10-62

2 thoughts on “Restaurant Savva Reviews

  1. I have never encountered such a poorly managed restaurant. The service was a joke – it took an eternity to get a simple glass of water, and our server seemed completely disinterested. As for the food, it was clear that it had been reheated; my pasta was clumped together and lacked any flavor.

  2. I can’t believe how terrible my dining experience was at this restaurant. The service was shockingly bad; our server forgot our order not once, but twice. And when the food finally arrived, it was evident that it had been sitting under a heat lamp for an eternity. The chicken was dry, and the vegetables were mushy.

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